As per the uses Invoice will be generated. And Users can view these invoice under the Invoice module.
Invoices are generated in the following ways:
- Customer Invoice
- Partner Customer Invoice
- Partner Invoice
- Distributor Invoice
Invoices are generated automatically on the specified date of each month.
Invoices can be manually triggered for each by Admin through a request if any customer didn't receive.
In each tenant login the tenant invoice and it's child tenant Invoices can be seen, shared and downloaded.
Previous Invoices can be viewed and downloaded by selecting the Month and Year picker.
Invoices and it's associated transactions files can be shared with multiple users by adding additional mails separated by a comma.
Invoice and it's associated transaction files can be can be downloaded.
DAAS Consumption Plan
Billing invoices for DAAS is represented as DAAS Consumption Plan.
DAAS Consumption plan are generated when the DAAS Product is purchased and when Workspace is created with new Subscriptions.
Where it is of two types:
Fixed type: Fixed costs are calculated per month and is pre-defined. and based on consumption charges will be applied further.
Consumption Based type: Usage costs are calculated as Consumption based costs
In DAAS Consumption plan, the resources like Workspaces, Images, File share(storage), Disk SKUs, OS Disks SKU are been considered. based on the usage th cost will be calculated.
Monthly Renewal Report
Partners and customer will now receive the 'Monthly Renewal Report' email, where it includes, previous month renewed products data-sheet.
On 3rd of Every month, the "Monthly renewal report" mail will be shared to Partner and Customer's Billing contact's email address.
The Excel file will be sent along with the number of renewed products, with details of the renewed products.
Renewal in 7 days prior notification mail
Partner and Customer will now receive the pending renewal products in 7 days mail. This will notify the partner and customer about the products which are going to renewal in next days.
This mail includes excel file with the product details which are available for renewal. This can help customer/partner to make any changes on the product such as Manage renew, change quantity, change term or upgrade on renewal.