Table of Contents


Configurations are to create "Support mail, Mail, Category types and Service types" where user can use Helpdesk more efficiently. This will be created by Admin, Distributor and Partner for their distributors, partners and customers.

Configuration menu includes two sub tabs to allow Users to create Service types and Category types to enhance the user experience on portal, and to raise tickets even more relevant.

To navigate to Configurations.

It can be done from Partner, Distributor and Admin.

For Customer to configure, then enable "Allow Helpdesk Configuration" from the customer overview page from partner login.

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To navigate follow these steps.

  1. Login with either Admin, Distributor, Partner or Customer account.
  2. Select Helpdesk menu ↠ Click on Configurations.
  3. Select Support Mail tab for Support mail to Ticket configurations.
  4. Select Category Tab for Category creation.
  5. Select Service Type tab for Service Type creation.
  6. Select Mail tab for Mail to Ticket configurations.

Support mail, also known as a support email or customer support email, is an email address specifically designated for handling customer inquiries, feedback, complaints, or requests for assistance. It serves as a means of communication between customers and a company's support team or customer service department.

When customers encounter issues or have questions about a product, service, or any aspect of a company's offerings, they can send an email to the support mail address provided by the company. The support team is responsible for receiving and responding to these emails, providing guidance, troubleshooting assistance, or resolving customer concerns

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To setup this support email, Tenant should host an application, and grant permissions for email read/write and Modify email activities.

Email Provider: Email provider is Microsoft or Google account. Currently it is supported for Microsoft.

Support mail: Support Email is for Mail box configuration, where mails are received to the "Support Mail".

Tenant ID: A tenant ID, also known as a directory ID, is a unique identifier that represents a tenant or organization within a multi-tenant cloud service environment. In services like Microsoft Azure Active Directory, a tenant ID is assigned to each organization using the service. It helps differentiate and isolate resources and data between different tenants or organizations.

Tenant ID is often used in conjunction with client ID to identify the client application within a specific organization's context.

Client ID: A client ID is a unique identifier assigned to an application or client by the authorization server. It is typically a public, alphanumeric string that serves as a credential to identify the client when making requests to the server.

Client Secret: A client secret, also referred to as an application secret or client password, is a confidential and secure piece of information used by an application to authenticate itself with the authorization server. It is typically a long, randomly generated string. The client secret is shared only between the application and the authorization server to verify the application's identity and ensure secure communication during the OAuth 2.0 flow.

Category: Supported categories can be added here. One or more categories can be linked.

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