Table of Contents


Dashboard displays all the information related to tickets like High Priority tickets Open tickets Total tickets closed Unassigned tickets

User can also be able to export the list of tickets as well.

Dashboard will look as below:

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Customers, Partners, Distributors and Admin once have received the tickets will be listed in their respective dashboard. The tickets can be sorted based on users requirement. Default page on dashboard will be the Open tickets tab and My tab, where in it lists all the open tickets. User can also click on Forwarded, All and My tabs to get information with respect to those tickets as well. Similarly Open, Closed and All. Tenant admin or User can Click on the ticket displayed to check further information or can assign to the technician, Change Priority, Forward ticket, Re-open if it is something he can not handle, Reply on Ticket, or even close ticket if he/she has the solution.

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1. Assigning Ticket to technician

→ To assign a ticket to technician open the ticket from dashboard.

→ Click on Edit pencil icon under Technician field.

→ Assign Technician dialog is displayed.

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→ Select a technician from the list and click on Save, Technician is now assigned, and displayed.

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2. Change Priority

→ Click on Edit pencil icon under Priority field

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→ Priority dialog is displayed.

→ Change the priority based on the impact and click on Save.

→ The new priority will be updated on the ticket

3. Ticket Sub status

Ticket Sub-status gets enabled once the ticket is assigned to the technician. The following are the Sub-statuses:

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a. Unassigned b. Assigned c. In Progress d. Awaiting Customer Response e. Waiting for 3rd Party.

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→ Click on Edit Sub-status

Technician can edit or set the changes to In progress, Awaiting Customer Response or Waiting for 3rd Party upon assignment. On change of assignment or Un-assigning of Technician, the Sub-status gets reset.

4. Forward Ticket

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If an assigned Person thinks he is unable to handle the ticket he can forward the ticket to next higher hierarchy. For example, if Partner can not handle an issue, he can forward the ticket to his distributor. Once the ticket is distributed the previous ticket handler will no more be able to perform any action on the ticket.

5. Reply Ticket

If the Technician needs more information with respect to ticket or the person who created the ticket wants to add more information then they have to click on the Activity tab under Tickets details page. Once the user is in activity details page they have below options

→ Just add a comment

→ Add comment with Images or a Screen-shot

→ To add comments and images click on Reply button displayed. On clicking this button, a dialog gets displayed for adding comments and attachments

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Add in comments and images and click on Send Message. Once a comment is added all the user email who were mentioned when ticket was created will receive a notification.

All the replies from ticket logger and ticket handler will be listed in this tab.

6. Close Ticket

Once the ticket is handled and solution has been provided to affected user, ticket can now be closed. Ticket can be closed either by the person who provided the solution or even by the person who created the ticket. If a Ticket needs to be closed, then the person closing the ticket should mention proper comments with resolution screen-shots in Closure Summary/Ticket dialog which will list inside ticket details page and Closing status.

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Close ticket sub status are:

a. Resolved
b. Rejected
c. Duplicate

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7. Re-open Ticket


The person creating ticket also gets Re-open ticket option by which he can reopen the ticket if in case he is unsatisfied with the resolution or issue happens again.

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To Re-open the ticket, click on Reopen ticket button which opens Reopen confirm dialog. Click on OK in the confirmation dialog upon which Re-open ticket dialog is displayed. Mention the comments for reopening with attachments if any and then click on Reopen button and ticket is Re-opened.


All the action on the ticket from create till close will be communicated to all users emails mentioned when creating tickets.

8. Sensitive Information

Everyone - When this option is selected while replying by partner and above role then the reply message is sent to everyone including the Customers.
Technician - When this option is selected while replying by partner and above role then the reply message is sent users other than Customers

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9. Image View

Images can be viewed on uploading, a dialog page opens and images are displayed. PNG and JPG format and other type of images can be viewed.

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9. Merge Ticket

Multiple tickets can be merged together considering the ticket created is duplicate.

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Merge ticket can be done in the ticket overview page of each tickets and it is of 2 ways:

  1. Using "Merge Ticket" button
  2. "Merged Tickets" tab

1.Using Merge Ticket button: User can merge the ticket by clicking on the Merge ticket button, which displays the Merge ticket dialog where the user can choose to which duplicate ticket, the user wants to merge. Once Merge is done, the opened ticket will be "Closed" and marked as "Duplicate".

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  1. Using Merged Tickets tab: User can merge multiple tickets by clicking on "Add Duplicate tickets" button. User can select multiple tickets by "type on search".
    On adding of the duplicate tickets, the Duplicate tickets are considered as "Duplicate" and the ticket status will be set as "Closed". Where the primary ticket would be considered as Original or the latest one with full information on the on-going ticket. The tickets which lists are associated to the "Current Tenant and the Ticket Owner".

Unlink tickets Tickets can be unlinked if the issue is raised again or if the ticket is mistakenly merged and closed.

  1. Ticket should be unlinked via Primary ticket or from the ticket's primary tenant. then ticket can be re-opened.
  2. Tickets can be unlinked from the Primary tenant's "Merged tickets" tab as well.

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Export ticket

Users can now export the closed ticket, and can download the in-detail of the ticket in a zip file. It contains

  • PDF file of ticket details
  • Attachments

PDF file contains

  • Problem details
  • Contact information
  • Activities and Logs
  • Merged tickets

Attachments contains the files/attachments added while creating/replying/forwarding or in closing summary.

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By default Ticket Overview and Contact information is set, user can select additional details like "Activity, Logs, Merged Tickets and Attachments".


Q. Who all receives email when a ticket is created?
A. All those users whose email id was added when creating a ticket.

Q. What kind of notifications are received on email?
A. All Kinds of email notifications are received. Ticket created, Reply, close ticket, Forward ticket, Priority changed, Technician Assigned, Ticket Re-opened

Q. How Partner will get to know that customer has created ticket?
A. Once customer creates a ticket, partner and customer both will get notification on mail. And customer created ticket will be added on the Dashboard menu for partners.

Q. How to differentiate who created tickets?
A. Customers created ticket number starts with CT, where Partners created ticket number starts with PT.

Q. As a partner if i am unable to solve the customer problem, then what i should do?
A. You can forward that ticket to respective distributor or Admin.

Q. As a partner can i create a ticket on the behalf of Customer?
A. Yes, Partner can create on the behalf of customer.

Q. Can I change the priority of the ticket after creating the ticket?
A. Yes, Priority can be changed after creating the ticket also.

Q. If partner is unable to resolve the customers issue, can they directly forward ticket to admin?
A. Yes, Partner can bypass ticket to Distributor and directly forward it to Admin.