The My Tickets submodule is available to all tenant types. For Customers, this submodule will be accessible only if the Partner has enabled the Helpdesk Configuration.
This module displays tickets that are assigned to the logged-in user. For example, if a Partner is the assignee, all tickets assigned to them will be listed on this page.
This is an informational page where assignees can view and sort tickets based on their status (open or closed).
If a Technician is unable to resolve a ticket, they can forward it to their respective manager, and the ticket will then be moved to the Forwarded section on the My Tickets page.
Q. Who is technician?
A. The person who handles and resolves the ticket.
Q. As a technician how will I get to know, how many tickets are assigned to me?
A. When User-type admin assigns any ticket to Technician, they will be notified on the mail and also they can find those tickets on My tickets page.